Како се повући са Bitrue

Са растућом популарношћу трговања криптовалутама, платформе попут Битруе постале су неопходне за трговце који желе да купују, продају и тргују дигиталном имовином. Један критични аспект управљања вашим криптовалутама је знати како да безбедно повучете своју имовину. У овом водичу ћемо вам пружити детаљна упутства о томе како да повучете криптовалуту са Битруе-а, обезбеђујући сигурност ваших средстава током целог процеса.
Како се повући са Bitrue

Како повући Црипто са Битруе-а

Повуците Црипто на Битруе (веб)

Step 1: Enter your Bitrueaccount credentials and click [Assets]-[Withdraw] in the page’s upper-right corner.

Како се повући са Bitrue
Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 2: Select the coin or token that you want to withdraw.

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 3:Choose the suitable network, the accurate [1INCH Withdrawal Address] and type the amount of coin or token you want to transact.

Како се повући са Bitrue
NOTE:Do not withdraw directly to a crowdfund or ICO because Bitruewill not credit your account with tokens from that.

Step 4: Confirm your exact PIN code.

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 5: Confirm the transaction by clicking the [Withdraw 1INCH] button.

Како се повући са Bitrue
Warning:If you input the wrong information or select the wrong network when making a transfer, your assets will be permanently lost. Please make sure that the information is correct before making a transfer.

Withdraw Crypto on Bitrue (App)

Step 1:On the main page, click [Assets].
Како се повући са Bitrue
Step 2: Choose the [Withdraw] button.
Како се повући са Bitrue
Step 3: Select the cryptocurrency you want to withdraw. In this example, we will withdraw 1INCH. Then, select the network.

Warning: If you input the wrong information or select the wrong network when making a transfer, your assets will be permanently lost. Please make sure that the information is correct before making a transfer.
Како се повући са Bitrue
Step 4: Next, enter the recipient’s address and the amount of coin you want to withdraw. Finally, choose [Withdraw] to confirm.
Како се повући са Bitrue

How to Sell Crypto to Credit or Debit Card in Bitrue

Sell Crypto to Credit/Debit Card (Web)

You can now sell your cryptocurrencies for fiat currency and have them transferred directly to your credit or debit card on Bitrue.

Step 1: Enter your Bitrue account credentials and click [Buy/Sell] at the upper left.
Како се повући са Bitrue
Here, you can select from three different ways to trade cryptocurrency.

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 2:In the Legend Trading category, click [Buy/Sell] to enter this sort of trading.

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 3: You have the option to select a cryptocurrency, such as USDT, USDC, BTC, or ETH. Enter the desired amount to be sold. If you would prefer to use a different fiat currency, you can swap it out. To arrange for recurring card sales of cryptocurrency, you can also activate the Recurring Sell feature. Click [CONTINUE].

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 4:Complete your personal information. Tick the blank to confirm your information. Press [CONTINUE].

Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 5: Insert your address for billing. Press [CONTINUE].

Како се повући са Bitrue
Како се повући са Bitrue

Step 6: Enter your CARD DETAILS. To finish the cryptocurrency selling procedure, click the [CONFIRM AND CONTINUE] button.

Како се повући са Bitrue

Sell Crypto to Credit/Debit Card (App)

Step 1: Enter your Bitrue account credentials and click [Credit Card] at the homepage.
Како се повући са Bitrue
Step 2: Enter the email address that you used to sign in to your account.

Step 3: Choose either the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) or VISA cardwhere you’d like to receive your funds.

Step 4: Choose the cryptocurrency you want to sell.

Step 5: Fill out the amount you’d like to sell. You can switch the fiat currency if you’d like to choose another. You can also enable the Recurring Sell function to schedule regular crypto sales via cards.

Step 6: Congratulations! The transaction is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why hasn’t my withdrawal now arrived

I’ve made a withdrawal from Bitrue to another exchange or wallet, but I haven’t received my funds yet. Why?

Transferring funds from your Bitrue account to another exchange or wallet involves three steps:
  1. Withdrawal request on Bitrue
  2. Blockchain network confirmation
  3. Deposit on the corresponding platform
Normally, a TxID (transaction ID) will be generated within 30–60 minutes, indicating that Bitrue has successfully broadcasted the withdrawal transaction.

However, it might still take some time for that particular transaction to be confirmed and even longer for the funds to be finally credited into the destination wallet. The number of required “network confirmations” varies for different blockchains.

For example:
  • Alice decides to withdraw 2 BTC from Bitrueto her personal wallet. After she confirms the request, she needs to wait until Bitruecreates and broadcasts the transaction.
  • As soon as the transaction is created, Alice will be able to see the TxID (transaction ID) on her Bitruewallet page. At this point, the transaction will be pending (unconfirmed), and the 2 BTC will be frozen temporarily.
  • If all goes well, the transaction will be confirmed by the network, and Alice will receive the BTC in her personal wallet after two network confirmations.
  • In this example, she had to wait for two network confirmations until the deposit showed up in her wallet, but the required number of confirmations varies depending on the wallet or exchange.

Due to possible network congestion, there might be a significant delay in processing your transaction. You may use the transaction ID (TxID) to look up the status of the transfer of your assets by using a blockchain explorer.

  • If the blockchain explorer shows that the transaction is unconfirmed, please wait for the confirmation process to be completed. This varies depending on the blockchain network.
  • Ако истраживач блокова покаже да је трансакција већ потврђена, то значи да су ваша средства успешно послата и ми нисмо у могућности да пружимо било какву даљу помоћ по овом питању. Мораћете да контактирате власника или тим за подршку одредишне адресе да бисте затражили даљу помоћ.
  • Ако ТкИД није генерисан 6 сати након што кликнете на дугме за потврду из поруке е-поште, контактирајте нашу корисничку подршку за помоћ и приложите снимак екрана историје повлачења релевантне трансакције. Уверите се да сте доставили горе наведене детаљне информације како би вам агент за корисничку подршку могао благовремено помоћи.

Шта могу да урадим када се повучем на погрешну адресу

Ако грешком повучете средства на погрешну адресу, Битруене може да лоцира примаоца ваших средстава и да вам пружи било какву даљу помоћ. Наш систем покреће процес повлачења чим кликнете на [Пошаљи] након завршетка безбедносне верификације.

Како могу да повратим средства која су повучена на погрешну адресу

  • Ако сте грешком послали своја средства на погрешну адресу и знате власника ове адресе, контактирајте директно власника.
  • Ако су ваша средства послата на погрешну адресу на другој платформи, контактирајте корисничку подршку те платформе за помоћ.
  • Ако сте заборавили да напишете ознаку или мем за повлачење, контактирајте корисничку подршку те платформе и доставите им ТкИД вашег повлачења.